Crime Watch UWS 10.19.23
Wife Arrested after Stabbing Husband
A 55-year-old man told police that at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, October 2, he got into a verbal dispute with his 49-year-old wife inside their home at 589 Amsterdam Ave. near West 89th St. because she was jealous that he had been talking to another woman. His wife then picked up a knife in her right hand and waved it at him before cutting him in the left arm, causing a small cut and pain. He said that she also punched him in the leg. Joseline Hidalgo was soon arrested and charged with assault.
Alleged Shoplifter Pepper Sprays Store Employee
According to police, at 4:32 p.m. on Thursday, October 5, an individual of unknown gender entered the T.J. Maxx store at 808 Columbus Ave. between West 98th St. and West 99th St., took items of merchandise and attempted to exit the premises without paying. As the suspect was about to leave, an employee intervened, causing the suspect to turn around and pepper spray the employee’s face and arm, causing redness and burning. The suspect then fled and couldn’t be found in the neighborhood. The items stolen included two men’s undershirts totaling $40.
Stolen Phone Leads to Unauthorized Charges
A 28-year-old man living on West 87th St. reported that at 2:15 a.m. on Sunday, October 1, he had his iPhone 13 Pro cell phone in his possession. Later that day at 3:21 p.m. he noticed that his phone was missing. Then at 6:45 p.m. he discovered unauthorized charges on his Apple Pay, Zelle, Compose, American Express, and Bank of America accounts amounting to $28,669.20. The total stolen, including his phone, came to $28,994.
Film Company’s Mailed Check Intercepted and Altered
An employee of MotivFilms, a film production company based in Draper, UT, told police that he had mailed a company check using the mailbox at Broadway and West 147th St. on Friday, September 22. Then at noon on Thursday, September 28, he learned that the check had been altered and deposited by someone named Janeudi Duran at an address listed as 380 Garbaldi Ave., Copiague, NY 11726. The total stolen amounted to $24,000.
Pickpocket Victimizes Woman on Broadway
A 63-year-old woman stated that at 11 a.m. on Thursday, September 14, she was walking from Columbia University to West 93rd St. carrying many shopping bags. She said she was lightly jostled at Broadway and West 96th St. but thought nothing of it at the time. She later found that her credit and debit cards, driver’s license and two checks were missing. She canceled the card accounts but when she went online on Tuesday, October 3, she discovered multiple unauthorized transactions in her checking account. She closed that account at Chase Bank the same day and opened a new one. The following day she went online and noticed an unauthorized charge of $1,430 on the new account, making a total loss of $8,630.