Pathway to Patient Learning with Free Webinars for Seniors

For doctors, New York’s world-famous teaching hospitals provide a perfect path from internship to excellence. The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) has similar–but definitely non-degree–pathways for patients seeking health information, which can be of special benefit to seniors with more numerous health questions. The HSS Education Institute describes its mission as aiming to be “a source for outstanding initiatives in education, training, research, and information for local, national, and international communities to prevent and treat musculoskeletal conditions and enhance patient care.”
To accomplish that it has come up with a series of free Zoom accessible webinars , each emphasizing a way to approach the muscle, joint, and bone issues such as arthritis most likely to show up as we slide into our senior years. Get your date book ready: You won’t want to miss a single one of the six newest sessions.
First on the list: Tai Chi in the Park on September and October Mondays at 9 a.m. As the HSS folks explains, “T’ai Chi Chih uses simple and rhythmic movements to improve balance, strength, flexibility, and maintain bone mass.”
In fact, this originally East Asian exercise pattern seems to work so well that health associations such as the Arthritis Foundation have it on their lists for pain relief. By the way, HSS interfaces with other health groups, so the “park” in the program isn’t named “Central.” It’s actually Scalzi Park, in Stamford, CT, run collaborately with the Over 60 Senior Center and the Stamford Senior Center.
Thursday, September 5, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Back to basics. As we age, our risk of contracting common infections and experiencing more severe symptoms increases. During this session, Andy Miller M.D., Chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at HSS, will host an hour’s discussion dedicated to “Protecting Your Health: Vaccinations as We Age.” It’s the perfect timing given that the newest COVID vaccine will be ready just about then.
Wednesday, September 18, 6-6:30 PM. Thirteen days later, a half hour session on “Wrist Pain with Pilates and Yoga” will cover the common conditions associated with handling your hands while exercising exercises that demonstrate how to prevent or treat the problems.
Tuesday, October 8, 10:30AM -Noon AM. Fast forward nineteen days after that and the subject is “Medicare 2025: Know Your Rights.” For a full 90 minutes, HSS experts will describe the changes coming with the New Year to enable you to select the best coverage for your personal person. Even more important, they will explain how to safeguard yourself against Medicare fraud.
Wednesday, October 9, 10:30AM-Noon. The next day, those of us who chase “Health Information On The Web” will be able to check out ways to identify and avoid misinformation and organize our own medical records on screen. The bonus benefit: Instructions on posture positions that help avoid aches and pain while typing.
Thursday, October 10, 10:30-11:30AM On the fourth morning in a row, it’s back to feeling better, this time by enjoying “The Power of Music.” Multiple studies show that music not only sounds good, it’s also good at enhancing memory and brain power while reducing stress. There will also be a chance to get up and tap toes in rhythm.
Wednesday October 15, 6:30 -7;15PM Five says later, HSS offers a serious teaching with “Acupuncture and Surgery: What You Need to Know.” Tune in to discover how acupuncture can benefit patients, particularly those with chronic pain or undergoing orthopedic procedures. Plus info on the benefits of utilizing acupuncture during surgery.
To access these free webinars, go to, under “Cost” choose “Free,” pick a program that pleases you, and click on “Add to Cart.” Follow that to “Checkout,” which will take you to a registration form ( by which time your typing fingers may need a new program of their own. Check back next week for that one.