Project FIND hosted a vaccine pop-up clinic for nearly 80 seniors, staff, and caretakers in partnership with Allure Pharmacy at its Hamilton Senior Center on March 8. The center is located at 141 West 73rd Street. Project FIND, which has been serving older adults on the West Side of Manhattan for more than 50 years, has had an extensive program to protect seniors from COVID-19 infections at its residences since the pandemic began.
To keep tenants safe Project FIND has previously partnered with Doctors without Borders and provided onsite testing with the help of ESSEN Healthcare.
For this vaccine initiative, Project FIND was introduced to Allure Pharmacy by the NYC Department of Health. “Our appointments opened up on March 2nd and we had 50 people signed up in a matter of hours,” said Mark Jennings, the organization’s Associate Executive Director. “Our tenants, who are all seniors, have been petitioning for onsite vaccinations based on difficulty navigating the online appointment systems or hesitancy to expose themselves to COVID with travel to huge vaccination centers.”
Victor Ambrose, 72, a tenant at Project FIND’s Hargrave House said the event was “necessary” and convenient for seniors who could not travel to Yankee Stadium or the Javits Center. “It was really a wonderful thing,” said Ambrose, who was a second round draft pick for the Cleveland Indians in 1969. “People were eager to take the shot because of proximity and familiarity with Project FIND.”
For more information, visit: or call 212-874-0300 ext. 210.