Predicting the Future of Bitcoin Technology

| 18 Sep 2024 | 08:34

What will happen to Bitcoin and it’s tech? Well, depending on who’s asked, the answer becomes positive or negative, excited or discouraged. Regardless of where anyone stands on this, there are some undeniable aspects of Bitcoin, from technology to its current price. Take a dive into the many possibilities of what tomorrow and the years after may hold.

Why Users Always Find More Crypto Content

Why does the topic of the price of Bitcoin always appear in one’s feed? Well, aside from being an online currency for tech-savvy millionaires, there’s more than just the coins in the piggy bank, and while readers may be bombarded with blogs and media, both audio and visual, discussing the future of the crypto world, it’s here to stay, whether you choose to invest in it or not.

Why Bitcoin Keeps Making Headlines

The impact that bitcoin is making in modern investment is a lot. It’s something that is hard to overlook. However, besides Bitcoin, users often see new cryptocurrencies in their news feed, from Bitcoin and Ethereum to meme-coins, such as Dogecoin; where each coin and its holders keep trying to raise its popularity on social media and blogs, pushing their coin to have a higher investment value.

Cryptocurrency has its hand in many other events, both those that are pleasant and not. With notable occurrences such as fraud in the case of the infamous “Cryptoqueen”, a woman who ran a pyramid scheme using OneCoin, another cryptocurrency. It doesn’t matter which coin was used for what deed, good or bad, as Bitcoin is the most well-known and will shoulder a portion of the blame.

What the Price Could Be in the Future

The price of Bitcoin will never be a stable amount, increasing and decreasing sporadically. The current price as of writing sees Bitcoin just over the $60,000 mark per coin and while the amount is significant, and better than it was a month before, it’s nowhere near its $71,000 peak which occurred earlier in 2024.

Popular Predictions

Controlling the currency’s inflation is a process known as Halving, and due to this process it’s easily predicted that collectors will at the very least have a fair investment over the coming years. However, the price predictions are more volatile, with a high assumption of $71,000 and a minimum of $61,000 for the end of this year, yet jumping ahead five years, the prediction becomes very different, with a low of $504,000 and a maximum of $581,000 per coin. Though, please note that these staggering amounts are only estimates, having a set focus and bias on the current upward trend of the crypto coin.

What We Can Do With Blockchain Technology

While it’s yet to be touched, the full possibilities of this technology are limitless within our modern era.


Blockchain technology has too much untapped and too much wasted potential in the gaming market, even if you find it a currently unfavorable addition for most gamers. But, there’s still potential as many online games repeatedly try to make their own token as part of the set currency, selling playable items as NFTs.

Interestingly, certain titles have a form of, even if not optimized, currency conversion, such as the online title Linden Lab’s Second Life, letting its users buy and sell the Linden Dollars freely. However, looking towards the blockchain can give a stronger real-world value to any playable title’s currency and the items bought with it.

Smart Contract Automation to Remove the Mundane Tasks

Automation is a frequent, popular, and sometimes overdone focus in our modern workplace, something ranging from the use of AI to new tools and methods simply outpacing the old ones. A smart contract is basically just a digital agreement, yet using automated management with this tech opens up a new pathway for work to flow.

Using smart contract automation, it’s easy for one’s workplace to improve output by reducing preparation time or eliminating manual tasks on various access levels within the workplace. However, one must not forget that a smart contract isn’t the easiest thing to write, but is still the backbone of the blockchain system.

Tracking Your Data and Property

If used in a medical or artistic/museum aspect, Bitcoin’s tech becomes a great way to track information, whether it’s for medicine or a specific work. The technology can also be used to support research, keeping perfect track of information and owners or participants in clinical trials.

Keeping tabs on who owns what works especially well thanks to the ledger aspect of the technology. The ledger keeps a non-erasable trace of where the item has been and its previous owners. Commercially, this detail gives great value as property deeds and ownership information for priceless art can be viewed and tracked or even auctioned online with relative ease.

Investing Wisely in the Future

Whether it’s only an investment strategy for most or a potential gamechanger to come, everyone knows that Bitcoin’s going to be around for a while right? And, while no one can predict the future, there’s plenty of confidence in the claims made here today that it has lots of promise, whether it’s for tech boys, Bitcoin buffs or anyone learning economics.