NYS Assembly District 73 candidate Russell Squire (left), Rep. Jerrold Nadler (second from left), Governor Kathy Hochul (center), Rep. Carolyn Maloney (second from right) and District 76 Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright (right) on the campaign trail on the morning of the primary at East 86th Street and Second Avenue. Photo courtesy of Rebecca Seawright’s campaign Where Were the Voters? New York’s first of two summer primary elections drew to a close on Tuesday night, after a long — but extremely low-turnout... News 30 Jun 2022 | 05:46
Candidates in the 73rd AD race (clockwise from top left): Kellie Leeson, Russell Squire, Adam Roberts and Alex Bores. Photos courtesy of the candidates’ campaigns The Final Stretch in the 73rd AD Voting daze – The voting season’s on. Early voting started on June 18 and runs through June 26. Races include Governor, Lieutenant... Voices 23 Jun 2022 | 05:18
New congressional districts. Photo: davesredistricting.org The Fur Flies in the 12th CD Is it East v. West or West v. East? – The fur’s begun to fly. West Siders are incensed at my assuming, in last week’s column,... Voices 05 Jun 2022 | 02:51
David Menegon (center) has been rallying support for the Knickerbocker Greys. Photo: David DuPuy 73rd AD Candidates: The Knickerbocker Greys Must Stay Rhymes are in – Memes are the rage, so the Knickerbocker Greys must stay stands. And there’s consensus from the candidates... Voices 08 May 2022 | 11:22
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road