The dog side staff, Astor Gross (left) and Annabeth Mann (right) with a loyal customer, Biscuit. The owners of Boris & Horton are now hopeful that the closure that they feared would happen Feb. 26 can be forestalled as patrons try to rally support. ( Photo: Tehsin Pala) Thanks to Outpouring of Love, Boris & Horton, the City’s First Dog Café, Might Not Close Down New York City isn’t ready to bid farewell to its beloved dog cafe, Boris & Horton just yet. When news broke about the closure... News 22 Feb 2024 | 12:54
Customers crowd the PlantShed cafe on Columbus Ave. and 87th St. ( Photo: Sarah Ben-Nun) Flowers and Coffee Go Together PlantShed, on the corner of Columbus Avenue and 87th Street, is a plant store that also sells coffee, the two products combining... News 18 Nov 2019 | 05:28
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road