Rep. Jerry Nadler(left) and Grace Lee (right), one of the founders of Children First, at the rally in front of Peck Slip School on Tuesday. Photo courtesy of Children First Parents Push for Delay on Toxic Cleanup Before there was a controversial plan to build a 324-foot residential tower in place of a parking lot in the South Street... News 17 Sep 2021 | 01:34
Olive Freud (left), president of the Committee for Environmentally Sound Development, with Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer at Monday's press conference. ( Photo: Emily Higginbotham) 'Off With the Floors!' Olive Freud had reason to celebrate on Monday morning. After spearheading a years-long neighborhood campaign against the... News 17 Feb 2020 | 03:34
Vacant storefronts were the topic at the crowded meeting on the Upper West Side. ( Photo: Nick Smith-Koblitz) An SOS for Local Shops The grassroots advocacy group UWS Save our Stores, aptly referred to as “SOS,” hosted its first town hall meeting on “Vacant... News 09 Dec 2019 | 10:52
Comptroller Scott Stringer, with Deputy Comptroller for Audit Marjorie Landa, announcing the results of his investigation into the city's handling of lead inspections. ( Photo: Susan Watts, Office of the NYC Comptroller) Lead Report Slams City Agency The city failed to conduct lead inspections in private buildings where a government agency knew thousands of children who... Newsletter 30 Sep 2019 | 12:00
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road