Thank your local parks worker today! Sara D. Roosevelt Park, October 30, 2024. ( Photo: Brian Berger) Sara D. Roosevelt Park Reclaimed for the People—(Mostly Anyway) Don’t say the city doesn’t care about parks! Though sometimes it might seem that way— when this or that should-be oasis is... News 04 Nov 2024 | 12:55
Manhattan Bridge Plaza, south side, August 16, 2024. ( Brian Berger) Adams Addresses Manhattan Bridge Plaza Shantytown: “You Can’t Do It One and Done” It’s easier to build a shantytown than to take it down. This—according to both Our Town Downtown observation and recent comments... News 18 Aug 2024 | 06:42
Homeless Person on a bench outside a high end department store in Manhattan. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Should Cops or Homeless Advocates Get EDPs off Our Streets? By Hank Sheinkopf It gets very tiring to listen to the opinions of the highly dissatisfied as they work so very hard to change... News 25 May 2023 | 03:07
Corinne Low is the co-founder and executive director of Open Hearts Initiative, a local volunteer organization. Photo: Abigail Gruskin Activists Back ‘Safe Havens’ For Homeless After Shootings In a flurry of snow and freezing temperatures last weekend, activists huddled together in Downtown Manhattan near the site... News 18 Mar 2022 | 11:07
Bowery Mission staff member Raffaele DePalma dons a mask and gloves to dole out food to residents. Since last March, Bowery Mission has formed a health and safety task force that had “led all of their efforts to respond effectively under the latest guidelines,” said Bowery Mission president and CEO James Winans. Photo: Jeffrey Lau A Harsh Winter for the Homeless In a wake of economic decline which has left people homeless for the first time, or again, and as the pandemic has battered... News 30 Jan 2021 | 11:04
The Lucerne Hotel on West 79th Street. Photo: Michael Oreskes Judge: Homeless to Remain at Lucerne, for Now The move of 230 men from a shelter at the Lucerne Hotel on the Upper West Side to the former Radisson in the Financial District... News 04 Dec 2020 | 08:32
Public Advocate Jumaane Williams at the Wednesday morning press conference at The Lucerne. Photo: Alexis Gelber Homeless to Leave Lucerne Updated on Sunday, Sept. 13: Faced with a continuing outcry from some Upper West Siders, the de Blasio administration said... Home 08 Sep 2020 | 09:58
The Lucerne Hotel on West 79th Street. Photo: Michael Oreskes How The Lucerne Became a Shelter Experts agree that the first rule for communicating in a crisis is to get the facts out as accurately, fully and quickly... News 04 Sep 2020 | 03:27
The Thrifty HoG. Photo by Deborah Fenker. Fashion as Community One might think that for being a Black female entrepreneur, this would be your moment, but Deborah Koensigsberger is the... News 23 Aug 2020 | 08:16
A flyer advertising a Facebook group focused on “neighborhood safety” on the UWS hangs in a bus shelter on Broadway. Photo by Mike Oreskes. Residents Threaten Suit over Homeless, Crime There is a rooftop deck at the Lucerne hotel, with air and sun and sprawling views of the Upper West Side. But the current... Home 23 Aug 2020 | 01:38
The Belleclaire Hotel on Broadway. Photo: Eden, Jim and Janine, via flickr Hotels for the Homeless Spark New Controversy Since March, hotels on the Upper West Side have been closed to regular bookings due to the pandemic. In an effort to protect... News 31 Jul 2020 | 06:47
Scaffolding provides some shelter for the homeless at the corner of Broadway and 73rd St. ( Photo: Emily Higginbotham) In the Shadow of the Ansonia Below the surface of the Great City a delicate and generally tolerable balance of rules and laws and social norms allows... News 06 Jan 2020 | 11:31
A group of homeless people have set up an encampment on the corner of 73rd Street and Broadway in front of the North Face store on the Upper West Side. According to a concerned group of residents it’s one of the several spots in the neighborhood where they no longer feel safe. ( Photo: Emily Higginbotham) Seeking Safer Streets Over the last year, Elizabeth Carr has witnessed a shift in her neighborhood on the Upper West Side. She and others have... Newsletter 20 Dec 2019 | 02:13
After the Slaughter Manhattanites don’t shock easily. They’re well aware that big-city life is often punctuated with trauma and peril and pain.... News 08 Oct 2019 | 01:37
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road