Jamie Torres Springer, the MTA’s head of construction and development, says he would use the state’s power of condemnation “if necessary” to force Jim Dolan’s Madison Square Garden to turn over portions of its property that MTA says it needs to renovate Penn Station. Photo: MTA MTA Chief Builder Says He’d Use Condemnation to Grab Jim Dolan’s MSG Property Needed for Penn Station Rebuild The MTA’s chief builder says that “if necessary” he would use the state’s power of condemnation to take property from Madison... News 20 Aug 2023 | 04:26
Jamie Torres-Springer, President of MTA Construction & Development ( Photo: MTA) MTA’s Pres of Construction Gives Wide Ranging Interview on Penn Station Rebuild Plans It is one of New York City’s most complex public building challenges ever. Improving the dismal Penn Station, with options... News 04 Aug 2023 | 05:00
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road