When the Beatles performed on the Ed Sullivan Show on Feb. 9, 1964, that attracted 73 million viewers, at the time the largest tv audience in history. ( Photo: Bernard Gotfryd/Library of Congress: P&P) Feb. 9, 1964: When The Beatles Changed NYC Forever You can pretty much divide the hipness history of New York into two parts: before and after Feb. 9, 1964. That Sunday night,... Voices 06 Feb 2024 | 06:46
John Lennon and Yoko Ono, seen here performing at the Sinclair Freedom Rally in December 1971, had just released the “Double Fantasy” album in 1980 shortly before Lennon was murdered outside the Dakota apartment building where they lived. Photo: University of Michigan/Wikimedia Commons John Lennon: In My Life Whenever Dec. 8 rolls around, I take time to reflect. It occurs to me that nothing is real and all you need is love and life... Voices 07 Dec 2023 | 07:02
Yoko Ono singing at the Sky Festival, Oct. 4, 2015. Photo: May S. Young, Creative Commons, Wikimedia Yoko Turning 90: Still a Doyenne of New York City On Feb. 18, Yoko Ono will be turning 90 years old. It’s time for New York to thank her for her service. Yoko has given New... News 08 Feb 2023 | 07:33
Photo via clipart-library.com Speaking Up in the Neighborhood We have all types here on the Upper West Side, including those who are shy about public speaking. I used to be one of them.... Voices 12 Aug 2022 | 10:26
The Dakota today. Photo: Alexis Gelber Que Pasa, New York! ‘Sometime in New York City’ Turns 50 Has New York ever embraced a transplant quite as happily as it accepted John Lennon when he moved here, with his wife Yoko... Voices 22 Jun 2022 | 11:29
Restaurateur Shelly Fireman. Photo: Rose Callahan Ringing in the New Year with the Man Behind Manhattan Hot Spots If you live in Manhattan, chances are you’ve eaten at one of Shelly Fireman’s restaurants. The famed restauranteur has given... News 23 Dec 2021 | 11:07
DVD cover of “Broadcast News.” Photo via Amazon.com COVID’s Impact on a Christmas Ritual For us all, COVID has injected nonstop fear and paranoia into our lives. The news of the variants on the scene intensifies... Voices 10 Dec 2021 | 04:36
The John Lennon “Imagine” memorial mosaic from Strawberry Fields in Central Park, New York. Photo: Dave Addey, via Flickr When John and Yoko Were Our Favorite New Yorkers Fifty years ago, an airplane carrying John Lennon and Yoko Ono touched down in New York City – and so much promptly changed.... Voices 23 Jul 2021 | 08:11
An album Bob Dylan wrote and recorded in New York. Photo: Jon Friedman Bob Dylan, 80 Years (Forever) Young – and Still Mr. New York The Village Voice was pondering what, back in September of 2017, was feared to be its final edition. The quintessential New... Voices 07 May 2021 | 01:53
Photo courtesy of Bob Gruen A Life of Chronicling Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll Bob Gruen says he has been thinking of writing a memoir for 50 years. Now 74, and with the help of journalist Dave Thompson,... News 17 Mar 2021 | 12:38
Allan Tannenbaum in his Tribeca studio, with Jimi. ( Photo: David Noonan) Capturing Life, and History In 1973, Allan Tannenbaum became the staff photographer for the Soho Weekly News, which was started that year by publisher... News 17 Mar 2020 | 09:37
Bob Dylan Missed a Lively Talk in Stuy Town It’s really too bad that music legend Bob Dylan was away on tour when I gave a talk about him a few weeks ago in Stuyvesant... News 22 Nov 2019 | 05:12
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road