The famous fake orgasm by Meg Ryan as she dined with Billy Crystal on pastraimi sandwiches was filmed in Katz’s Deli on the Lower East Side, which is happily still in business. Photo: Fandango Movie Clips Rom Coms Make Comeback But Many NYC Classics Would Need Major Changes to Fly Today Rom-coms are back. Thanks to the success of the new Netflix rom-com “Your Place or Mine” starring Reese Witherspoon and Ashton... News 24 Feb 2023 | 05:54
Rom, but Not So Com Anymore "Working Girl" doesn’t work as a lighthearted rom-com anymore. In 1988, the Oscar and Golden Globe winner was an inspiration... Voices 23 Jan 2020 | 11:58
Karen’s Quirky Style Honors Trailblazing Photographer Helen Levitt