From left to right: MTA Chair Janno Lieber, Mayor Eric Adams, & DOE Chancellor David C. Banks. They helmed a September 5 press conference declaring a public info war on subway surfing. ( Photo via NYC’s Mayor’s Office) Mayor Adams Calls on Social Media Firms to Help Curb Deadly Subway Surfing Teenage subway surfing deaths are practically an epidemic these days, and Mayor Eric Adams & Co. are hoping to convince young... News 12 Sep 2023 | 08:33
A huge and unruly crowd of several thousand people began streaming into Union Square on Aug. 4 after soical influencer Kai Cenat said he was going to give away Playstation video games. NYPD deployed its riot squads and issued a tweet in the early afternoon as crowds began to converge on Union Sq. to urge commuters to stay away to no avail. Eventually police said 66 people were arrested including Cenat. Photo: Citizen App 66 People Arrested in Union Sq. Melee After Social Influencer Kai Cenat Promises “Huge Giveaway” of Video Games Thousands of people descended on Union Square on Aug. 4 after social media influencer Kai Cenat told his 20 million followers... News 07 Aug 2023 | 03:17
Viral TikTok brings New Yorkers together in Manhattan. Photo courtesy of @wspmoms We Met on TikTok As New Yorkers look for ways to readjust to seeing friends and family, many have had to find creative ways to engage with... News 30 Aug 2021 | 09:48
Serena Kerrigan at a recent protest. ( Photo: @serenakerrigan via Instagram) Allyship in the Age of Social Media As protesters have flooded the streets to demand an end to police brutality toward Black Americans, activism has simultaneously... News 17 Jun 2020 | 04:44
Sree Sreenivasan in action. ( Photo: Mike Oswald) Hosting the Coronavirus Conversation As a reporter, professor and social media professional, Sree Sreenivasan has kept us up-to-date through tough times from... News 30 Mar 2020 | 10:56
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road