Another street, another naming – The northwest corner of East 29th St. at First Ave. is being co-named for Dr. May Edward Chinn (1896-1980), the first Black woman to graduate from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, now known as NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Chinn was an intern at Harlem Hospital, and an MD in Harlem for over 53 years. To honor Chinn’s life and legacy, Congress Member Adriano Espaillat (13th CD) spoke of Dr. Chinn “as an American woman physician of Black and Chickahominy descent,” in the Congressional Record on July 7, 2022. Manhattan BP Mark Levine will be among those attending the ceremony on Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. at 29th and First Ave. Other Manhattan street co-namings in recent weeks were for theater great Wynn Handman at 50th St. between Sixth and Seventh Aves, and restaurateur Jimmy Neary at the intersection 57th and First. Co-namings are a fond way of remembering those who made NY New York.
It’s a sistah thing – Some sisters have it. Others wish they had. My sister, among her many talents, paints. I don’t. So when her painting was chosen to be in an exhibit, I was, well, proud and excited and wanted to share, with her permission of course. So, here goes. While still an Upper East Sider, she and her husband spend most of their time in Milford, CT where my sister took an in-person class at the Milford Senior Center in Milford. Since September is Senior Month in Milford, a local coffee shop, Atlantique, invited the painting class to exhibit their work in one of their rooms. Ryan, Atlantique’s owner, was so thrilled with the quality of the work that he invited the class to have another exhibit. Pictured here is my sister Myrna Socol Eisenberg’s painting titled “Yellow Sky at Dawn.” Gayle Cato is the class instructor and Leonora Rodriquez is director and curator of the show. I’m the proud sister.
Soccer Mums – You get to a time in your life where little, if nothing, surprises. Well, I’m surprised. Here’s why. Le Pain Quotidien has patisseries all around Manhattan. Not all, however, are within steps of an educational institution with fulltime students and a separate physical education building. But Le Pain Q on Third Ave. between 86th and 87th is next-door neighbor to The Dalton School’s Physical Education Center, with an entrance on 87th St. between Second and Third Avenues, and a Dalton School on Third between 86th and 87th. Every afternoon, well most from 3:15 p.m. to 4-ish, a group of young boys dressed for that day’s soccer practice (that takes place away from Dalton) enter Le Pain Q. They sit or stand in the mostly self-serve front area. Two or three of the boys are always accompanied by their mother or an adult, usually female. The boys, either seated or standing, remove their shoes to put on sneakers and socks. Sometimes putting their feet, socked and un-socked, shoe-d and sans shoes, on the cube tables meant for food and coffee as the soccer moms sit by, mum. They see it all as they chat away on their phones or with each other. Why do the soccer moms stay mum? And why isn’t the soccer practice dress taking place in Dalton’s Physical Ed facility right next door? Instead of in Le Pain Q?
Transplant donor needed – When you talk Manhattan Democrat politics and the judicial selection process, everybody knows Al Handell. He’s everybody’s favorite. Unfortunately, he’s undergoing dialysis and needs a kidney transplant. Anyone who can help, please contact alanhandell@gmail.com. Thanks.