Bob Makarowski, who delivered papers for Our Town in its early days, volunteering for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. Photo courtesy of Bob Makarowski A City’s Poignant Sights Pick up lines - Walking past the 92nd Street Y on a late morning weekday, I smiled as I passed a lineup of moms, pops, nannies,... Voices 14 Mar 2021 | 04:08
Section of sample ballot for the State Assembly, courtesy of Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright’s office. Ballots and Buses Bottoms up - The court battles are over and Democrat Rebecca Seawright, after a tumultuous pre-election process, is on the... Voices 11 Oct 2020 | 09:43
Dewing in a recent December, her favorite month. Photo courtesy of Todd Brabec Remembering Bette Dewing Bette (Brabec) Dewing, a longtime columnist for Our Town and other publications, passed away on September 5, 2020 at the... News 10 Sep 2020 | 03:48
On Valentines and Halftime Shows “You make me smile with my heart” As some of you know, those words are from the ever timeless “My Funny Valentine.” And yes,... Voices 10 Feb 2020 | 12:10
Intervene! And Protest! First, thanks to concerned citizen and column reader Susan Siskind for her addition and correction to my previous column... Voices 27 Jan 2020 | 11:16
The Troubling Bail Reform Law The new bail reform law, and the likelihood of repeat offenses, has law enforcers worried. When a Community Board 8 member... Voices 10 Jan 2020 | 01:02
Let's Make New York the World's Safest City The New York majority rejoice, and sigh with relief at Governor Cuomo’s veto of the bill to legalize e-bikes and e-scooters.... Voices 30 Dec 2019 | 11:12
A Precious Holiday Tradition on Park Avenue A reader writes how a financial advisory radio talk show host tells a caller making her first December trip to New York,... Voices 16 Dec 2019 | 02:41
LED Streetlights Have Got to Go! But first, some more thoughts about Thanksgiving, this so inclusive American tradition, about thankfulness, and faith groups... Voices 02 Dec 2019 | 11:58
Thanksgiving Takes a Village, Too Yes, dear readers, this is about Thanksgiving. But first, I can’t help but lament that once again the Rockefeller Center... Voices 15 Nov 2019 | 04:16
Save the Nabes from Busway Invasion! And we are talking about, no, railing against, the tunnel vision that turned 14th Street into a busway. The tunnel vision... Voices 18 Oct 2019 | 03:03
Bernie Sanders and the Loneliness Tsunami Hey Bernie, slow down, take care of yourself, set an example for older male workaholics, and males in general. Then there’d... Voices 07 Oct 2019 | 09:36
“Be A Blessing – That is Why We Are Here” Those words are a timeless reminder from a Rabbi Harvey M. Tattelbaum’s High Holy Day sermon published in Our Town. The date... Voices 20 Sep 2019 | 06:17
All Ages Must Help After Disasters There sure is a lot of information and news about the first day of school, some so needed, like more speed cameras in school... Voices 09 Sep 2019 | 12:49
12-Step Help for Sexaholics Yes, dear readers, there is such a group as Sexaholics Anonymous, a 12-step group which needs to be part of the vast coverage... Columns 26 Aug 2019 | 04:32
New Bike Lanes Debut in Village and Midtown; Riders Pleased but Many Ignore Rules of Road