The Troubling Bail Reform Law

The new bail reform law, and the likelihood of repeat offenses, has law enforcers worried. When a Community Board 8 member told me about 19th precinct officers’ concerns, I urged several people to attend the January community council meeting to share their views. One woman, who lives in a garden apartment in a no-doorman building, said her only concern was that justice would be done after hearing radio talk show host Brian Lehrer recall how a teenager killed himself in jail as he waited so long for a trial for stealing a backpack.
And so thankfully the new law will help prevent such tragedies and general abuses. But under this law, too many perpetrators will become repeat offenders. Do read all about it in this paper’s “Blowback to Bail Reform” in the January 9-15 issue. This most informative interview by reporter Emily Higginbotham with the 19th precinct’s commanding officer Inspector, Kathleen Walsh so needs to be shared - especially with those who never attend precinct meetings and have public forums, like radio talk show host Brian Lehrer,
And do stress Inspector Walsh’s fact-based worry that the new bail reform will increase robbery and larceny on the Upper East Side. While perhaps not related, a man was recently attacked by two assailants in an attempted robbery on 79th and East End Avenue. And think of places and precincts which aren’t nearly as safe. That does need repeating, and especially to those with public forums.
Again, it’s not that bail reform isn’t very much needed, but somehow it must be done without doing harm. And it sure helps the cause of a safe community, if many more New Yorkers become involved in civic meetings, especially the precinct ones. For information, the 19th precinct community relation officer’s number is 212 452 0613. Call 311 for other precinct numbers. And, again, do share these and other concerns with city officials whose numbers are listed in this paper’s Useful Contact column.
Protest Anti-Semitism and World Peace Threats
Of course, so much on New Yorkers minds is the hateful rise in the city’s anti- Semitic related brutal assaults, not to mention the threats to world peace and hawk-like leaders. Protests are so needed. But again, not forgetting the home-front dangers and problems too often overlooked by say, Brian Lehrer and The Paper of Record. They need reminding – all this and more is so critically needed – for a safe and just New Year – for every NYC precinct. It also means a Safe Traffic City. It can be done if enough of us try.